Fr 05. Mai: fuchsteufelswild mit Markus Suckut @ Live-Club und Sound N Arts



▶Ruhig sind die Gefilde in letzter Zeit geworden.
▶Der Fuchsbau schon lang nicht mehr bespielt worden.
▶Das Wilde Tier in dir schon lange nicht mehr strawanzen gewesen.
▶Doch der Fuchs in dir ist schlau und braucht wieder Auslauf!
▶Lass ihn raus!


Das geht raus an alle Füchse, Rudel- und Feiertiere, Kulturbanausen und Musikliebhaber,
Es ist zu lange her…. Und gerade deshalb wieder an der Zeit zusammen fuchsteufelswild zu werden. Gemeinsam in Bamberg, sowohl im Live-Club als auch im Sound ‚n‘ Arts, eine Nacht zu außerordentlicher Musik zu verbringen. Miteinander in aller Freude und Euphorie zu feiern, als gebe es kein Morgen mehr. Wir haben uns hier nicht lumpen lassen und bauen euch gleich 2 Fuchsbaue in die Sandstraße, wie ihr sie noch nie zuvor gesehen habt. Als wäre das noch nicht alles gewesen haben wir uns um ein Line-Up á la Finesse gekümmert. Niemand geringeres als Markus Suckut, Labelbesitzer, Technolegende und Internationales Schwergewicht ist unser Headliner. Man munkelt diese Nacht ist von Connoisseurs für Connoisseurs. Eine Nacht im Glanz der Kunst, der Dekoration, der Musik, der Freude am Leben, der Toleranz und der Liebe.


Sound ’n‘ Arts & Live Club

▲Tickets▲ (verfügbar ab Ende März!)

VVK Stellen:
Obere Sandstraße 18

Obere Sandstraße 9

►Plattenladen Bamberg
Untere Sandstraße 9

Der schlaue Fuchs spart und kauft im VVK:
Preis: 10,-
Preis AK: TBA

Wie gewohnt starten wir in beiden Locations um 22:00. Früh kommen lohnt sich, nicht nur für eure Laune, unsere gemeinsame Zeit, sondern auch für euren Geldbeutel. ?


▶Markus Suckut (Rekids, Exile, SCKT)◀

Exciting stories without big words

When you tell a story you explain something which has engaged you, something which has moved you. Telling good stories is certainly not easy, particularly if you don’t use words. Just like a good DJ set, storytelling is all about creating an arc, putting listeners under a spell and giving the feeling that this story doesn’t have to come to an end. Telling a story with these attributes without using words? How it’s possible is demonstrated by DJ and producer Markus Suckut.

Markus’ own musical history began in 1999, at the brink of the new millennium an interest in electronic music was awakened in the young, Germany-based Markus. At the time it was less about committing to one musical direction, than about the excitement of DJing and testing sonic limits. Carried along by the excitement of these inital impressions Markus began to teach himself to mix and within a few short years his first productions followed.

It’s hard to categorise someone who himself detests thinking about music in narrow-minded categories and who takes influence from many different styles of music. His own productions are best described plainly and simply with the word techno, techno which often and willingly becomes dub. His sets are wide reaching, and even if they have a common basis it’s difficult to describe what exactly they have in common. Perhaps it is soul, a bit of dreaminess and a tendency towards melancholy that best characterise Markus and his music.
Good things take time. A good story can’t be told in passing; accordingly Markus Suckut can be seen as one of the most vocal opponents of short sets, and of a club culture where the next DJ jostles impatiently in the booth waiting impatiently for the start of their own set. To play in his own style, leading the crowd and casting a spell over it, delighting listeners with records selections that go beyond the remit of any kind of DJ charts, this is his world. And in the company of someone who loves to listen to elaborate stories, who detects subtlety while simultaneously appreciating current trends, the listener is in very good hands with both his productions and his sets.


▶ Paarallel (Treibhaus/Sommertanz) ◀
▶ Sandmann (Rauschkollektiv) ◀
▶ Fizzl (Rauschkollektiv) ◀
▶ M2M (Rauschkollektiv) ◀
▶ Milchschmidte ◀
▶ MichiL. ◀

Date(s) - 5. Mai 2017

Live-Club Bamberg


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